Wednesday 21 January 2015

Shocking Discovery!! Days 15 to 34

Its almost past the half way mark for the goal I had set myself. Till now everything has been going good. Have been pretty well occupied at work and at home. Guess not having spare time has also helped me in my goal. Things are really stressful currently. With the new teams and long distance and every thing piling up on me. Just waiting for some time to relax and get back in the grove. Will write back soon as I near the 60 days mark.

Thursday 1 January 2015

Shocking Discovery!! : Day 7 to 15

Okay its almost been a week since my last post. The delay was mainly caused as I was swamped with work over the final week of december and had friends and special people visiting me over the days. Things basically kept me occupied over the entire course of the day and my mind did not seem to be requiring the constant urge to get it done!! I still get the urges but I have found ways to get them resolved. Ways that are less damaging to me in the long run. Actually they have already started showing results as I myself experienced it first hand. Its the new year of 2015 and I have got 3/4th of the time period left to rewire myself to make me a more sane person. Hoping to have a wonderful 2015. Happy new year!!

Tuesday 23 December 2014

Shocking discovery - Day 4 and 5

Okay did not get time to update about my progress over the last two days. Sunday was pretty uneventful as almost the entire day was spent sleeping and recuperating for the week ahead. Was pretty sore after 2 hour badminton session. But everything worked out well and sunday went to an end. Monday was a whole another story. Started work early and ended really late. Being the only member available in the team did not help much. But as weird as I am, I kind of enjoyed the day. Guess suffering without food over long periods of times helps me enjoy it. WEIRD!!!

Sunday 21 December 2014

Shocking Discovery!! - Day 3

Okay today being a Saturday, there was a quiet a bit of free time today. So it was really important to keep my mind out of it. Day started really early. Had a good workout, and talked with my better half for considerable part of the day. That was fun. Played badminton towards the end of the day. So basically keeping myself occupied for the whole day helped in a big day. Trying to follow the same routine today as well and hopefully it continues. Cheers!

Friday 19 December 2014

Shocking discovery!! - Day 2

Day 2 successfully ended yesterday. It was kind of a long day though, with the whole thought about this stint going around in my mind. It did not entirely affect my day to day activities but it did have a slight effect on my emotional state. Guess it is expected as this is a big challenge and its going to have great effects on my state. There is still a long way to go, and I hope that I am able to continue in the right direction.

Wednesday 17 December 2014

Shocking discovery!! - Day 1

Just realized a major flaw in my lifestyle and its high time I took a stand and changed it. I don't have anyone to blame this on. Its all my fault and its in my hands to take up the responsibility and change the course. I have got new people in my life and they deserve the best of best. I am going to provide it to them. This is the day 1 of my new early new year resolution. Its a 60 day challenge, and hopefully by the end of it there will be a big enough change. See you tomorrow.

Sunday 10 March 2013


Just finished reading all my previous posts.. I know they are not a  lot to go through.. but still it was nice to read the 7 posts.. Man I was confused at that point of time in 2011.. I saw 4 posts each with changing emotions from one day to another.. I wonder how people around me would have felt at that point of time.. Well.. it has been some time since all those things happened.. Life just keeps throwing things at your face... just like rocky balboa said "Its not about taking hits.. Its about how hard you get hit but still moving forward" one of the great lessons that every person should keep in mind..